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  1. How to prevent mosquito bites without repellent

    How to prevent mosquito bites without repellent
    The thought of mosquitos buzzing around your head while you're enjoying the great outdoors is enough to send most people running for cover. While a personal insect repellent is the most effective way to prevent mosquito bites, there are things you can do to prevent mosquito bites without relying on repellent. The following steps can […]
  2. Why it Works

    We've made a natural mozzie repellent that actually works Good Riddance Insect Repellent is a DEET-free, natural mozzie repellent that has been clinically proven to repel mosquitoes, midges and sandflies for hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzAt7VNDETM You don't need harsh chemicals to repel mozzies & midges Good Riddance's mosquito and midge repelling action is thanks to our beautiful […]
  3. Love Your Travels is a Good Riddance Stockist

    Love Your Travels is a Good Riddance Stockist
    Wayne and Stacey from Love Your Travels are, by far, the most ubiquitous members of the Good Riddance market family. Their market stall name really does what it says on the box because they sure do love travelling! You'll find Wayne and Stacey at lots of events and markets right around Australia selling Good Riddance […]
  4. How to mozzie proof your caravan

    How to mozzie proof your caravan
    There is nothing worse than pulling up to a gorgeous spot in your caravan and immediately being swarmed by mosquitoes! Today we're going to show you how to mozzie proof your caravan to keep yourself safe and bite-free throughout the night. 1. Check your fly screens before you leave During the warmer months you're going […]
  5. What's the proof that Good Riddance Insect Repellent will work?

    What's the proof that Good Riddance Insect Repellent will work?
    We lived up in Darwin for a couple of years while travelling around Australia as a family. Insect repellent becomes a part of your skincare routine when you live in the tropics. You need to protect yourself against mozzies and midges (they do carry lots of nasty diseases, after all!) but we were worried about […]
  6. Good Riddance Insect Repellent Ingredients

    Good Riddance Insect Repellent Ingredients
    You may have noticed that Good Riddance Insect Repellent ingredients are not listed on the back of the pack. Good Riddance makes a range of natural, DEET free insect repellents with the highest quality natural ingredients. This blog will explore what is in each product and how you can learn more. What ingredients are in […]
  7. PBC Expo Family Pack Giveaway

    Win a Good Riddance Family Pack! + Go in the draw to win over $100 worth of Good Riddance Insect Repellent each month! Enter your details below to go in the draw. Thanks for coming to see us at the Sydney PBC expo this week! Enter your details to go in the draw to win […]
  8. How to repel mosquitoes indoors

    How to repel mosquitoes indoors
    Mosquitoes can be frustrating to deal with indoors, but there are a few things you can do help stop the problem.  Ideally, you want to stop mosquitoes getting inside in the first place. If you have well-maintained fly screens and a consistent habit of keeping doors closed (especially around twilight), it will go a long […]
  9. Does citronella actually repel mosquitoes?

    Does citronella actually repel mosquitoes?
    Citronella does a fantastic job of repelling mosquitoes, but it’s just one ingredient in the Good Riddance formula. Mosquitoes tend to think humans taste pretty delicious, so citronella works by masking this scent and making us less appealing.  By itself, it prevents about 50% of mozzie bites and needs reapplying every 2 hours. It’s a […]
  10. Can I use mosquito repellent when pregnant?

    Can I use mosquito repellent when pregnant?
    Yes, you absolutely can and should use mosquito repellent while pregnant – but you might want to consider which one you choose. Some mosquito-borne viruses such as dengue fever are worsened by pregnancy and can even cause complications with the bub. We don’t want you to take that risk, so it’s extra important to use […]

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