Happiness Guarantee

The proof really is in the pudding when it comes to a natural insect repellent. During development, our product was rigorously tested by fishermen in Darwin and Kakadu.

After launching our product, we quickly found ourselves with thousands of raving customers, but we wanted to take things a step further to prove that we had created the best insect repellent.

Love it or your money back

We are so confident that you’ll think Good Riddance is the best insect repellent that we’re happy to slap a guarantee on the product.

If, for some reason, you’re not completely satisfied with Good Riddance and how it works for you, just email us at info@goodriddance.com.au.

We’ll have to get you to answer a couple of questions (this is all part of our obligations under our APVMA registration) and then we will refund you 100% of the price of the product whether you purchased them from us or one of our suppliers.

Clinically tested

We spent over two years putting our Good Riddance range through a series of independent clinical trials to ensure it does what it says it does.

This included multiple rounds of testing against mosquitoes under strict lab conditions to ensure they stand up against any DEET-based product on the market.

Our Sensitive Insect Repellent was field tests by a lab in Bundaberg, which found that it was more effective than DEET 80% against midges.

Clinically Tested

We spent over two years putting our Good Riddance range through a series of independent clinical trials to ensure it does what it says it does.

This included multiple rounds of testing against mosquitoes under strict lab conditions to ensure they stand up against any DEET-based product on the market.

Our Sensitive Insect Repellent was field tests by a lab in Bundaberg, which found that it was more effective than DEET 80% against midges.

APVMA Registered

In Australia, all insect repellents must be approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). 

The APVMA is an Australian government regulator who manage the registration of all agricultural and veterinary chemical products in Australia. 

All insect repellents for human use, including chemical-based products and natural plant-based alternatives, are required by law to be registered with the APVMA before they can be sold in Australia. Products approved by the APVMA have been scientifically assessed as safe and effective.

In 2020, the results of our independent clinical efficacy and safety trials meant that we were able to register both the Good Riddance Tropical and Sensitive insect repellents with the APVMA.

In 2020, the results of our independent clinical efficacy and safety trials meant that we were able to register both the Good Riddance Tropical and Sensitive insect repellents with the APVMA.