1. Does mosquito repellent work?

    Does mosquito repellent work?
    Does mosquito repellent work? One of the most common questions we’re asked is – does mosquito repellent work?  And to that we say a resounding – YES! We’ve had to prove it – In order to be allowed to call our products “insect repellent”, they have to be approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary […]
  2. What’s in mosquito repellent?

    What’s in mosquito repellent?
    Mosquito repellent – it’s one of those things we use every summer without thinking too much about it. But what’s in mosquito repellent? One ingredient you may have heard of is DEET – it’s found in many insect repellents and while it does the job, there are a host of undesirable side effects that come […]
  3. How to Repel Mosquitoes Outdoors

    How to Repel Mosquitoes Outdoors
    The dreaded mosquito. One of the banes of the Australian summer. And every year, barbecuers across Australia ask – how do we repel mosquitoes outdoors? There are a few things you can do to discourage mosquitoes from hanging around and to make yourself a less appealing target. Remove sources of standing water Mosquitoes love a […]

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